Project Usurper Home

“Undergraduate Research Conference Poster 2018-2019”

“Undergraduate Research Conference Poster 2018-2019”


Project Usurper is the culmination of 3 years of careful planning and testing building up to our entry into the 2020 Spaceport America Cup. Usurper is a 7.5’ tall hybrid engine rocket built to compete in the 10,000 feet competition category.

Our team was originally founded in 2017 by a group of students simply interested in model rocketry, and since then it has grown to a team of 40 strong making it the largest and most major diverse engineering club in the entirety of UNH.

This year, we are pushing the limits of what our students can accomplish and truly putting all of our engineering knowledge to the test. By June of 2020 we hope to show you the fruits of our labor whether we succeed or fail. (We are trying our very best to succeed regardless)